Carter Brehm

UNO · Computer Engineering · Scott Scholarship Recipient

The purpose of this digital portfolio is to collect, organize, and reflect on my learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. The portfolio has been organized around intellectual and practical skill categories that help to demonstrate a general level of readiness as I pursue my personal and professional goals.

About Me

I have always lived my life with a passion for tinkering. From a young age, all of my thoughts would be hyper-focused on completing a specific project to near perfection, learning skills, gaining experience, and meeting new people along the way. Influence from the people around me (including my dad, who worked in IT) naturally guided this hunger for knowledge toward the world of computers, of which the depth of information seemed nearly endless. I've designed websites, developed apps, created solutions, all in the quest for knowledge.

Before starting my college career at UNO, I was able to experience the Design Studio Internship program with other Scott Scholars. As interns, we were able to work with USSTRATCOM to incentivize system hardware upgrades in order to solve a problem plaguing the DoD. I went into the opportunity expecting to use my technical skills, but I ended up improving many of my soft skills such as professionalism, leadership, and flexibility.

Looking back on the work that I've done, I realized I had specific trends that came up in all of my projects. In the moment, I had called it abstraction, but I realized I had a tendency to simplify software. I realized that what motivated me most was to simplify down complex tools to make them more accessible.


App Ideation / Development

University of Nebraska - Omaha

Tasked by the dean to invent, plan, develop, and ship an educational game designed for elementary students in an 8-week period. After becoming familiar with a traditional IT toolset including Git and Trello, we began conducting research on the applicable topics in order to further our understanding before ideating. Then, we came up with a development plan including a MVP and stretch goals. Using Unity and C#, we were able to ship a working Android app collaboratively within the time constraints. A video demo of the game is available here and midpoint and final presentations created during the creation of the app, intended to highlight portions of the development process, are available here and here.

June 2019 - July 2019

Technology Instruction

Code Ninjas

Guide young children through coding (Javascript, Lua, C#) as well as other STEM-related activities. This also included pre-writing educational curriculum over topics such as penetration testing and game development. Due to copyright reasons, no content or demo can be shown publicly.

April 2019 - June 2021

Freelance Web Development / Business Tech Support

Brehm IT

Building responsive and adaptable websites for business clients such as restaurants and construction. This also includes working on corporate networks to ensure stability, availability, and uptime.

January 2016 - Present


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Local Tech Support

Brehm IT

Even though the business and corporate world is fun and engaging to work in, there's something special about working with people directly. Since 2015, I've always made myself available to friends, family, and my community to help them with technology issues, such as buying a new laptop, fixing old hardware, or recovering family pictures.